Unsane has been filmed with an iPhone, giving the picture a paranoia-fuelled low-fi fuzz. This is more than just a marketing gimmick, as Soderbergh’s film centers on the idea of stalking – a timely focal point considering the mass of sexual allegations that Hollywood has found itself mired in.
A great director can elevate a movie that is nothing short of trash cinema into something masterful. Throughout his career, Orson Welles repeatedly chose projects (most notably Touch of Evil) as a challenge to see whether he could make a good movie out of source material that was far closer to the gutter than the stars. A cursory glance at some of the best directors of all time, from Welles and Alfred Hitchc*ck to David Fincher and Steven Soderbergh more recently, reads like a list of directors who enjoy cinema at its silliest, yet are such technically skilled filmmakers with a clear love for genre filmmaking that their movies are only ever laughable in a knowing way.