“Chicken for Linda!” is an animated French drama with a precocious child, a poultry-napping, and some lively characters.
Hundreds of Beavers is a comedic masterpiece, delivering non-stop hysterical sight gags, formal ingenuity, and cathartic woodland violence.
The Secret Life of Pets 2 is fine enough sequel, but never really explores all its potential. Debbie Lawrie reviews.
For all its superficiality, there’s a warmth to Coogan and Reilly’s central partnership in Stan & Ollie that – all stiltedness noted – deserves the faint smile it leaves you with.
Half Magic succeeds with the help of Graham’s stellar writing and direction, the cast’s adherence to Graham’s comedic and dramatic vision, and three central characters that serve as great role models to women of all ages.
An open mind and a willing heart are needed to appreciate Slack Bay’s zaniness; it’s a lot of fun when the initial peculiarities settle.