Sissy Spacek

Horrific Inquiry: CARRIE (1976)

Grounded by the incredible performance of Sissy Spacek and the masterful direction of De Palma, Carrie is a horror masterpiece that defies convention.

Interviews With Holden Miller & Daniel C. Connolly for NIGHT SKY
Interviews With Holden Miller & Daniel C. Connolly For NIGHT SKY

Film Inquiry spoke with creator/writer Holden Miller and writer/producer Daniel C. Connolly for the new Amazon Prime original series: Night Sky.

THE OLD MAN AND THE GUN: A Worthy Swan Song For Robert Redford
THE OLD MAN AND THE GUN: A Worthy Swan Song For Robert Redford

The Old Man and the Gun is a love letter to many things: the 1970s/early ’80s, the aging outlaw trope so often seen in Westerns, and to film itself.

CASTLE ROCK “Past Perfect” (S1E8): Not A Whimper But A Bang

While feeling a bit like a preparatory hour designed to give us a push into the final climax, there’s still some good ol’ terror to be had in the latest Castle Rock episode.

CASTLE ROCK "The Queen" (S1E7): A Personal & Daring Block Of Television
CASTLE ROCK “The Queen” (S1E7): A Personal & Daring Block Of Television

Castle Rock’s The Queen takes us on a wander through time and memories with Ruth, as Sissy Spacek gives a breathtaking performance.

CASTLE ROCK "Filter" (S1E6): More Buildup Than Payoff
CASTLE ROCK “Filter” (S1E6): More Buildup Than Payoff

Castle Rock’s Filter is an impeccably scored episode, with enamoring performances by Spacek and Holland, that level out the grooves this mixed bag left behind.

CASTLE ROCK "The Harvest" (S1E5): Best Episode To Date
CASTLE ROCK “The Harvest” (S1E5): Best Episode To Date

Castle Rock is haunted, and there’s a reasonable amount of fantastical threads, but it is grounded with characters impacted by very real circumstances.


The Old Man & The Gun is based on the true story of Forrest Tucker and his audacious escape from San Quentin at the age of 70 to an unprecedented string of heists that confounded authorities and enchanted the public.

CASTLE ROCK "The Box" (S1E4): Another Strong & Mysterious Entry
CASTLE ROCK “The Box” (S1E4): Another Strong & Mysterious Entry

Castle Rock’s “The Box” left our arm hair raised, and adequately poised for what will likely be a strong second half of the season.

CASTLE ROCK: A Worthy Delve Into The Arcane “Severance”, “Habeas Corpus” & “Local Color”

Airing the first three episodes at once, we’re able to get a good grasp on Castle Rock’s core tale, without fully knowing the depths of this thrilling new series by creators Sam Shaw and Dustin Thomason.

CARRIE: On Bullying, Revenge And Female Taboos

Carrie is a movie inspired by one of Stephen King’s first novels, a dark story mixed with dramatic notes, where all the uncertainties and fears of adolescence, such as the problem of being different in a society that does not forgive, are transformed into anger and the desire for revenge. The movie was directed by Brian De Palma in 1976, but I believe it is a timeless story; indeed there have been many remakes, the last one in 2013 by Kimberly Peirce, setting it in a modern context. De Palma’s film, which can be considered a cult classic, shows the daily life of teenagers at an American high school and explores the theme of bullying deeply, adding some gory scenes towards the end.