In this Tribeca Film Festival Round-up, Stephanie Archer looks at the films she saw that found that dominated their central focus and inspiration in oppression, fear and freedom.
After its premiere at the Queens Short Film Festival, Film Inquiry’s Samantha Celentano got to speak to the writer and lead actor of Oatmeal, Martha Frances Williams, as well as the director Alessia Gatti.
We were able to talk with Niclas Gillis and Tanisha Lambright, the director and star of the short film drama Hold Me Down, which follows a day in the life of a 19-year-old single mother who works as a stripper at an illegal nightclub in the South Bronx to support her child.
Jax Griffin checked out the short films at SXSW to scope the up-and-coming fimmakers, and reviews her favorite ones, among them Hair Wolf, Haven, Milk and more!
Emotional and heartbreaking, shocking and impactful, theses short films are an exemplary showcase of Hollywood’s menagerie of talent. Here’s a brief rundown of 2018’s Oscar nominated live action shorts.
We review this year’s oscar nominated documentary shorts, and while all of them are strong contenders, we also discuss their general lack of experimentation and originality.
Sentimental and surprising, gorgeous and gory; watching them one after another it’s impossible not to be struck by the talent on show. Here’s a brief rundown of 2018’s Oscar nominated animated shorts.