
The Beginner’s Guide: Yasujiro Ozu, Director

Read our beginner’s guide highlighting the career of film director Yasujiro Ozu, a must-see for cinema fans due to his quintessentially Japanese images.

TORA-SAN, OUR LOVABLE TRAMP: One of Japan's Nostalgic Keepsakes
TORA-SAN, OUR LOVABLE TRAMP: One Of Japan’s Nostalgic Keepsakes

Tora-san is one of Japan’s national treasures running roughshod over the nation’s norms while still functioning as a lovable reminder of bygone times.

LIZ AND THE BLUE BIRD: Intimacy in Style and Song
LIZ AND THE BLUE BIRD: Intimacy In Style & Song

Liz and the Blue Bird is an indepth and stylistic chracter study that explores the details and hidden emotional gravity of seemingly unremarkable situations.