Shaw Brothers

Way of the Dragon
The History of Hong Kong Action Cinema Pt. 4 – 1960-1980: New Wave

This article is part of a series on the history of Hong Kong action cinema – find the other parts here. The 1960’s and 70’s are probably the most pivotal time regarding the growth of Hong Kong action films. The Martial Arts craze would take shape as the Shaw Brothers become the foremost authority regarding the kung-fu craze that would follow in the wake of their massive quantity of quality movies.

Hong Kong
The History of Hong Kong Action Cinema Pt. 3 – 1940-1950: The First Hero of Kung-Fu Movies

One question that I am always trying to answer throughout this series is “what makes Hong Kong cinema so distinctive and great?”. Well, this stage of Hong Kong’s cultural evolution is vital concerning the film business and its multifaceted ability to make highly entertaining movies.

Cathay Movie Theater
The History of Hong Kong Action Cinema Pt. 2 – 1930’s Shanghai, Japanese Occupation & Talkies

Around the 1930s, Hong Kong was going through a period of change during the devastating war years and Japanese occupation. In this installment of the History of Hong Kong Action Cinema series, we won’t be digging into that many movies, but this time marks a serious change in the blossoming movie business in Hong Kong. As a result the deflation of the Shanghai-based studios and their film crews migration would prove to be a tremendous asset to Hong Kong’s future as one of the leading film markets in years to come.

Hard Boiled
The History of Hong Kong Action Cinema Pt. 1 – 1896-1930: The Pioneers

When I was young my Uncle Fred was our gateway to cool movies at a young age. He would babysit my brother and I, and going to the video store (yes, VHS) was the high point of the evening. After running the gamut of classic R rated action, and horror films we landed on the iconic movies of Bruce Lee.