Shalini Kantayya

Sundance Film Festival 2022: TIKTOK, BOOM: A Comprehensive Look From Shalini Kantayya On The Social Media Giant
Sundance Film Festival 2022: TIKTOK, BOOM: A Comprehensive Look From Shalini Kantayya On The Social Media Giant

Tiktok, Boom looks at the general landscape of social media. Shalini Kantayya’s documentary explores widely but rarely dives too deep.

"I Have Never Seen Power Like This Before." Interview With Shalini Kantayya, Director Of Big Tech Doc, CODED BIAS
“I Have Never Seen Power Like This Before.” Interview With Shalini Kantayya, Director Of Big Tech Doc, CODED BIAS

Luke Parker spoke with documentary filmmaker Shalini Kantayya about Coded Bias, her frightening exposé on big tech data collection.

SXSW 2020 Review: CODED BIAS

Coded Bias makes its primary focus on a the bias of facial recognition and the abuse that technology poses both currently and in the future.