Kevin Lee spoke with Karen Maine about sexual education, her personal experiences in Catholic school, how that guided her direction in the film and more!
Fairytale is an interesting take on the story of a transgender woman’s transition, set against the backdrop of external threats of UFOs, communism and a picture-perfect 1950s setting.
If you’ve ever been worried about your creaky joints, or whether your sex life will cease to exist after the menopause, Grace and Frankie will help to ease your mind.
Showgirls, by any measure, epitomizes every tenet of arthouse cinema. Showgirls belongs on a shelf alongside Andrei Rublev, The Seventh Seal, and The Passion of Joan of Arc.
Film Inquiry sat down with Suk Suk’s three main actors (Tai Bo, Ben Yuen and Patra Au) to talk about working on such a uniquely important project in Hong Kong cinema.
The director (Yeung) and cast of Suk Suk (Tai Bo, Ben Yuen, Patra Au) sat down with Film Inquiry to talk about the film when it was shown at the Berlin International Film Festival.
While the performances, production, and humor remain top-notch, Sex Education season two is a regressive step compared to its revolutionary first season.