science fiction

ZOE: All-Too-Familiar A.I. Story Partially Saved By Talented Cast

Zoe’s detriment is not necessarily any of its individual parts – it’s that they don’t quite add up to anything more impactful or memorable.

Anthology Shows As Morality Plays
Anthology TV Shows As Morality Plays

The anthology format for TV is often the perfect forum to spread ideals about morality; here are a few shows that utilize this to the fullest.

Fantasy Science Pt. 10: Quantum Locking In DOCTOR WHO
Fantasy Science Pt. 10: Quantum Locking In DOCTOR WHO

Don’t blink. Seeing Doctor Who’s Weeping Angels petrifies them into statue form in a process referred to as quantum locking. How believable is this?

COLD SKIN: Erratic Storytelling Leaves An Intriguing Tale Of Human Connection Rather Numb
COLD SKIN: Erratic Storytelling Leaves An Intriguing Tale Of Human Connection Rather Numb

Xavier Gens’ science fiction fantasy Cold Skin is a hotbed of promising concepts. The problem is, it doesn’t know what to do with them.

FIREWORKS: Nice Animation Can’t Save A Familiar Story
FIREWORKS: Nice Animation Can’t Save A Familiar Story

Fireworks is both stunningly animated, and stunningly disappointing, hampered by a predictable love story that is neither compelling or insightful.


Midnight in Paris uses time travel to 1920’s Paris to deal with themes of nostalgia and the fallacy of Golden Age thinking.

Interview With Milda Baginskaite, Director & Martha Binns, Star Of 7 PLANETS

We were able to talk with Milda Baginskaite and Martha Binns, director and star respectively, of the short sci-fi drama 7 Planets, about the creative decisions for this film, and the experience of making it.

SORRY TO BOTHER YOU: A Surreal Social Satire That's Perfect For Right Now
SORRY TO BOTHER YOU: A Surreal Social Satire That’s Perfect For Right Now

Sorry to Bother You is the perfect film for this particular moment – a moment that feels defined by the struggles of the ordinary people against traditional structures of power – even if it isn’t a perfect film.

Fantasy Science Pt. 9: Going Subatomic In ANT-MAN
Fantasy Science Pt. 9: Going Subatomic In ANT-MAN

In this part of the Fantasy Science column, we’re diving into the scientific underpinnings of Ant-Man’s power: resizing and going “subatomic”.

THE FIRST PURGE: America Is Fueling Its Provocateurs
THE FIRST PURGE: America Is Fueling Its Provocateurs

An uneven final product with a mess of ideas and images thrown onscreen, The First Purge will sear moments in your mind, leaving you to question whether it was all worth it.

THE ENDLESS: Bizarre In The Best Way
THE ENDLESS: Bizarre In The Best Way

With a clever use of eerie scenery and camera shots, The Endless is a vortex that goes full on wacky, without diluting its purpose, only strengthening it.

JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM: Impressive Setpieces Not Enough to Overcome a Lackluster Script
JURASSIC WORLD: FALLEN KINGDOM: Impressive Setpieces Can’t Overcome Lackluster Script

It’s hard not to think of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom as just a rinse-repeat of nearly every other film in this now 25-year-old franchise. 

Fantasy Science Pt. 8: Solutions To The Fermi Paradox Part II
Fantasy Science Pt. 8: Solutions To The Fermi Paradox Part II

In this new Fantasy Science, we are revisiting the Fermi Paradox: if there are so many galaxies and planets out there, why haven’t we found evidence of alien life?

HOVER: An Expertly Crafted Blend Of Horror, Sci-fi & Humanity
HOVER: An Expertly Crafted Blend Of Horror, Sci-fi & Humanity

Hover is an expertly crafted horror film focusing on a future almost too close to home. Cleopatra Coleman stands out for her remarkable performance and wonderfully crafted and memorable script.


Guest author Brooke Whipple analyzes the representation of gender in Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and how it foreshadows humanity’s destruction.