Episode 10 brings Whittaker’s first Doctor Who season to a close, and after her first series of expeditions, it is clear that the writers have struggled to balance a female Doctor.
“It Takes You Away” takes us to another foreign land, where the story is at times weak, but the script is always punchy and progressive, with unexpected twists, moths, and frogs throughout.
As a stylistic achievement of world-building, the animated saga Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse is just bursting at the seams with an infectious energy that can barely be contained by a single film.
Mortal Engines clearly understands its source material, which makes for a fantastic first act, but has trouble successfully adapting it, resulting in the rest of the film being lackluster.
EM Waves. Polarization. 3D. Have you heard terms like these flying around sci-fi movies and TV? Have you ever wondered about their scientific accuracy?
Tasked with saving the day once again, the Doctor and her gang aim to put an end to literal witch hunts in 17th century England, while coming up against an army of possessed “witch” corpses.
While the Doctor and her gang save the day once again, “Kerblam!” plays with the subconscious fear of technology in the workplace, and its ability to take on tasks previously carried out by humans.
“Demons of the Punjab” takes us on a trip down a secret memory lane, as Yaz uncovers her grandmother’s hidden past, and the Doctor comes up against some assassin alien invaders.
Unfortunately, despite Origin’s good intentions and mysterious manner, it’s simply too derivative and absent of any originality to really recommend an immediate watch.