Sarah Paulson
Carefully crafting within the episode through deconstructed time, “Boy Wonder” is the episode American Horror Story: Coven fans have been waiting for, setting up the perfect return for Murder House.
While last week’s episode was powerful, “Could It Be…Satan?” came in this week with a whisper, merely setting up for episodes to come.
The third episode of American Horror Story: Apocalypse is a biblical and a grim fairy tale, delivering shock and unpredictability, as the Coven arrives.
What began as a slow burning episode quickly descends into suspicion, shame and further confusion…
The American Horror Story: Apocalypse’s season premiere delivered with a punch, launching a new chapter in the popular anthology and giving viewers their first taste of the upcoming crossover.
A fun-filled flick with an all-star cast of charismatic ladies having a blast; Ocean’s 8 is a stylish follow-up that captures the spirit of the original trilogy while still doing its own thing.
Sarah Paulson fits the criteria of great actors. She has range and stamina, two incredibly important things to have in Hollywood.
The Post is less than the sum of its parts; an effectively directed and acted film, but its most dramatic story is left in the margins.
Rebel in the Rye is interesting when looked at from a writer’s perspective, but unfortunately doesn’t work as a cohesive biopic.
Blue Jay weaves in and out of beautifully written scenes, with a minimalist visual style focusing solely on the performances and the interactions.