Saban Films

In The Fire : An Enigmatic Battle Between Science and Religion
IN THE FIRE : An Enigmatic Battle Between Science And Religion

In the Fire (2023) is a captivating and thought-provoking cinematic experience that delves into the…

VIVARIUM: Stranger Than Strange
VIVARIUM: Stranger Than Strange

Vivarium is a strange beast and not everything works within its bizarre world, but it’s an endlessly compelling watch.

COME TO DADDY: A Vicious, Twisted Terror

Come to Daddy oozes Timpson’s remarkable devotion to the emotional, surreal and vicious with grotesque gusto.

MOB TOWN: A Film That Doesn't Live Up To Its Title Or Premise
MOB TOWN: Doesn’t Live Up To Its Title Or Premise

Though featuring actors and events you’ve seen before, Mob Town should have been left on the shelves.

I SEE YOU: A Film With A Twist Or Two — Or Three
I SEE YOU: A Film With A Twist Or Two – Or Three

I See You is a well-crafted head-scratcher even if it doesn’t seem so at first.

DOMINO – Brian De Palma’s Latest is a Compromised Yet Sporadically Engrossing International Crime Thriller
DOMINO: A Compromised Yet Sporadically Engrossing Crime Thriller

Though fundamentally flawed, De Palma’s latest film Domino offers fleeting glimpses of greatness that the iconic director once achieved.

A VIGILANTE: Women Flip The Script
A VIGILANTE: Women Flip The Script

Even as it skims too lightly over its complex themes, A Vigilante manages to capture a resilience and toughness that often goes unhailed on film.

TRADING PAINT: The World of Auto Racing, Only Slower
TRADING PAINT: The World Of Auto Racing, Only Slower

Fast cars. Squealing tires. Roaring engines. Screaming fans — are all nowhere to be found in this dull as dirt car racing snooze-fest.

BERLIN, I LOVE YOU: Ode To The City Rings False
BERLIN, I LOVE YOU: Ode To The City Rings False

A haphazard concoction of cliches with a sugary sweet coating, Berlin, I Love You lacks any of the qualities that make the titular city so special.

BETWEEN WORLDS: A Paranormal Drama with Potential
BETWEEN WORLDS: A Paranormal Drama With Potential

Between Worlds has potential in its more surreal moments, but it never utilizes the tension and conflict that could come from this story.

THE SUPER: Messy Horror Film With All-Too-Brief Glimmers Of Fun
THE SUPER: Messy Horror Film With All-Too-Brief Glimmers Of Fun

The Super has the occasional moment of great horror filmmaking – but not enough to make it a super film.

Is MARA Scary Enough to Keep Us Awake?
MARA: Scary Enough To Keep Us Awake

With a minimal budget, Mara will satisfy an audience that enjoys jitters, with just enough scares that as you leave the theatre you might dread your next bout of sleep paralysis.

FINAL SCORE: Die Hard In A Soccer Stadium… And It’s So Much Fun

If you need to take a break from reading about all of the acclaimed films you’re missing out on seeing at all of fall’s prestigious film festivals, go ahead and watch Final Score.

LIZZIE: A Distinctive Take On The True Crime Legend
LIZZIE: A Distinctive Take On The True Crime Legend

Lizzie may be a fictional tale of a real-life crime that we will never fully know the truth of, but it sure is an intriguing and especially a well-designed one.