
NON-TRANSFERABLE: A Sweet Something For A Cyber Generation
NON-TRANSFERABLE: A Sweet Something For A Cyber Generation

An independently-funded film that is a delightful homage to ’90s romantic comedies, Non-Transferable is a hopeful sign of cinema to come.

AKRON: Plunky Guitar Strings Make Not Midwestern Living
AKRON: Plunky Guitar Strings Make Not Midwestern Living

Though with an unimaginative score, Akron effectively tells a story about two gay men who meet and fall in love in Midwestern America.

DEPARTURE: A Love Story With An Identity Crisis
DEPARTURE: A Love Story With An Identity Crisis

Departure is a coming-of-age film focused on the budding romance between a boy and his friend, yet it doesn’t fully succeed in this prospect.


With overly drawn-out scenes and a sprinkle of randomized and at times unnecessary drama, Fifty Shades Darker left much to be desired.

YOU'RE KILLING ME SUSANA: Not Engaging Enough To Drive Its Points Home
YOU’RE KILLING ME SUSANA: Not Engaging Enough To Drive Its Points Home

You’re Killing Me Susana doesn’t adhere to almost any of the rom-com genre’s stereotypes, yet its static characters cause it to stumble.

MOROCCO: The Cheekiest Romance Since The Fall

Morocco is an early Pre-Code romantic drama starring Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper, two eventual stars that came to epitomize Hollywood.

Nora Ephron’s Warped Vision of Feminism In YOU'VE GOT MAIL
Nora Ephron’s Warped Vision of Feminism In YOU’VE GOT MAIL

Nora Ephron had some very strange ideas about feminism and femininity, and today we pick apart You’ve Got Mail to prove it.

PATERSON: Art As A Process Of Possibility
PATERSON: Art As A Process Of Possibility

Paterson is informed by the rich tradition of American poetry and modelled as a gentle meditation on the minutiae of artistic life.

THE SPACE BETWEEN US: Where Many Filmmakers Have Gone Before
THE SPACE BETWEEN US: Where Many Filmmakers Have Gone Before

THE SPACE BETWEEN US struggles to find its original voice amidst the plethora of recent space exploration movies.

Women And Relationships In Ruba Nadda’s CAIRO TIME

Cairo Time is a romantic drama from 2009 set in Egypt that focuses on different women and their perception about relationships and life.

LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE: A Threefold Deconstruction Of Love
LIKE SOMEONE IN LOVE: A Threefold Deconstruction Of Love

Abbas Kiarostami’s Like Someone In Love creatively shows how the concept of love changes from person to person.

The Evolution of the Disney Princess
The Evolution Of The Disney Princess

As a production company, Disney and their famous princesses have changed significantly as a response to changing social norms.

LA LA LAND: Succeeds As Both A Tribute & Subversion Of The Classic Musical
LA LA LAND: Succeeds As Both A Tribute & Subversion Of The Classic Musical

La La Land is a tribute to classic musicals, yet also attempts something different by subverting the romanticized outlook that they have.

PASSENGERS: Never Takes Off
PASSENGERS: Never Takes Off

Passengers is a dull sci-fi that is neither saved by its star power nor by the potential of the story which it initially seems to convey.

Stereotyped Love: Which Molds Are Breaking And Which Are Holding Firm
LOVING: An Ode To The Simple Things

In Loving, Jeff Nichols’ historical drama about an interracial couple who helped change marriage laws in The United States, the characters are reflections of Nichols own lineage and it’s quite the different kind of biography.