Musanna Ahmed spoke with director Steve Markle about his film Shoot to Marry and why this documentary was more challenging to put together than his previous one.
It’s difficult to manage a ménage à trois- the married couple at the center of First Blush, figure this out the hard way in this film available this weekend from NFMLA.
Fleabag portrays love in such a unique, true way that it takes several watchings to fully understand the depth of it. Are love and attention the same thing?
Hillary Shakespeare’s Soundtrack to Sixteen is a concise and delightful examination of teenage insecurities with great performances and strong writing.
At the end of the day, The Lovebirds feels like a bad first date. You go in full of hope and a mind for flirting and fun and leave without a meaningful connection.
Despite Martin Eden being only two hours, it is so densely packed with a cosmos’s volume of emotion and life, that it is as epic as any Sergio Leone or David Lean film.