
Queerly Ever After #57 IS IT JUST ME (2010)
Queerly Ever After #57: IS IT JUST ME? (2010)

J.C. Calciano’s Is It Just Me? is a gay romantic-comedy of chat rooms, miscommunication and false identity.

FROM UP ON POPPY HILL Gorō Miyazaki's Best Film, 10 Years Later
FROM UP ON POPPY HILL: Gorō Miyazaki’s Best Film, 10 Years Later

Looking at the legacy of Gorō Miyazaki’s best film, From Up On Poppy Hill, which was written by his father, the legendary Hayao Miyazaki.

THE POWER OF KANGWON PROVINCE A Sophmore Effort that Solidifies Hong Sang-soo's Signature Style
THE POWER OF KANGWON PROVINCE: A Sophomore Effort that Solidifies Hong Sang-soo’s Signature Style

In rapid succession over the past couple of years, the cinema of Hong Sang-soo has…

Queerly Ever After #56: YOU'LL GET OVER IT (2002)
Queerly Ever After #56: YOU’LL GET OVER IT (2002)

For this week’s entry of Queerly Ever After, we take a look at 2002 French TV-movie You’ll Get Over It.

LONG STORY SHORT: Charming High Concept Romantic Comedy
LONG STORY SHORT: Charming High Concept Romantic Comedy

Long Story Short is a pleasing romantic comedy with charming performances and a modern screwball tone.

Queerly Ever After #55: MORGAN (2012)
Queerly Ever After #55: MORGAN (2012)

For this Queerly Ever After, we take a look at the 2012 film Morgan.

Tribeca Film Festival 2021: IN THE HEIGHTS
Tribeca Film Festival 2021: IN THE HEIGHTS

In the Heights follows a small corner of individuals as they face gentrification, immigration, and acceptance of self during the summer’s hottest days.

FRAMED: Is One Man's Obsession Art Or An Invasion Of Privacy?
FRAMED: Is One Man’s Obsession Art Or An Invasion Of Privacy?

Framed has just the right amount of suspense, drama, and romance to make it work, with a wonderfully written dialogue.

FEEL GOOD Season 2: A Shot Of Trauma With A Chaser Of Comedy
FEEL GOOD Season 2: A Shot Of Trauma With A Chaser Of Comedy

Astonishingly, Feel Good Season 2 gets darker and more uncomfortable without abandoning its humorous reprieves.

LISEY'S STORY: Love, Loss & And The Power Of Imagination
LISEY’S STORY: Love, Loss & The Power Of Imagination

Lisey’s Story is a miniseries of magic, both in what it explores universally, but also what it generates internally.

Queerly Ever After #52: FIVE DANCES (2013)
Queerly Ever After #52: FIVE DANCES (2013)

In the latest installment of Queerly Ever After, we take a look at 2013’s Five Dances, a film about two men who find love in a dance studio.

WET SEASON: Damp And Cold
WET SEASON: Damp And Cold

In the film’s approach to try depicting its scandalous central relationship as naturally occurring as possible, Wet Season sacrifices narrative or emotional thrust.

Queerly Ever After #51 MY BIG GAY ITALIAN WEDDING (2018)
Queerly Ever After #51: MY BIG GAY ITALIAN WEDDING (2018)

In the latest Queerly Ever After, the focus is on My Big Gay Italian Wedding (2018), a gay rom-com set in the Italian countryside.

SPRING BLOSSOM First Feature Shows Promise But Doesn't Fully Succeed
SPRING BLOSSOM: First Feature Shows Promise But Doesn’t Fully Succeed

While Spring Blossom shows potential, especially in Lindon’s acting and directing, the script here falls flat.

BETTER DAYS: Melodrama Meets Anti-Bullying PSA
BETTER DAYS: Melodrama Meets Anti-Bullying PSA

Better Days often feels like an extremely bleak after-school special. But thanks to remarkable performances, it’s worth sticking with to the bitter end.