
A WOMAN IS A WOMAN and Anna Karina is an Icon
A WOMAN IS A WOMAN and Anna Karina is an Icon

A Woman is a Woman has never looked or sounded better—but Karina’s effervescent charm remains the film’s most valuable asset.

TRAINSPOTTING Criterion Review: Danny Boyle's '90s Masterpiece, Restored In 4K
TRAINSPOTTING Criterion Review: Danny Boyle’s ’90s Masterpiece, Restored In 4K

Criterion’s new 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray is the best Trainspotting has ever looked and sounded on home video format and is the definitive way of viewing.


For 45 years, the film was believed to be lost, but George Romero’s film has now resurfaced, and The Amusement Park is definitely worth a visit.

CÉLINE & JULIE GO BOATING Criterion Review: Jacques Rivette's Masterpiece Gets A New Restoration
CÉLINE & JULIE GO BOATING Criterion Review: Jacques Rivette’s Masterpiece Gets A New Restoration

With a beautiful 2K restoration, a great audio track, and an incredible selection of supplements, this is absolutely worthy of addition to any collection.

MADE IN HONG KONG: Youth In Revolt And Resignation
MADE IN HONG KONG: Youth In Revolt And Resignation

Fruit Chan’s Made in Hong Kong’s bleak tale of alienated youth should appeal to anyone who has ever felt the future slipping away from them.

Inside Thomas Edison's FRANKENSTEIN Adaptation
Inside Thomas Edison’s FRANKENSTEIN Adaptation

It was on a dreary night in March, 1910, that the Thomas Edison–produced Frankenstein played…

QUEEN OF DIAMONDS: A Masterful Depiction of Life on the Margins
QUEEN OF DIAMONDS: A Masterful Depiction Of Life On The Margins

Surviving the experience of Queen of Diamons means being rewarded with a film that has more to say with far fewer words than much of independent cinema today.

DAUGHTER OF THE NILE: An Underseen Drama Is Winningly Restored
DAUGHTER OF THE NILE: An Underseen Drama Is Winningly Restored

Daughter of the Nile is a prime example of the underseen gems that we are privileged to finally have access to thanks to distributors like the Cohen Film Collection. You might have to dig a little deeper to find them, but when you do, you are rewarded with something special.

PRIVATE PROPERTY: Old School Voyeurism
PRIVATE PROPERTY: Old School Voyeurism

When it comes to cinema, it is truly the best and the worst of times. An unstable economy and the rampant rise of piracy have forced studios to rehash old films and hammer original ideas into the ground just to try and make money, with many mainstream movies now catering towards the profitable Chinese market to make those big bucks that the US haven’t been producing lately. Whilst it’s a dire situation, this new social media age has been a huge step forward in retaining and reviving film history.