By Xiaoyu Yang. When I decided to move from China to study an MFA program in filmmaking at the City College of New York, it was difficult to work in a milieu so different from my own heritage.
No stranger to an complex casting call, Annie Murtagh-Monks has a storied history in casting for Australian TV shows and films. We spoke with her about her work for The Heights.
Film Inquiry spoke with director Flavio Alves about The Garden Left Behind, the sociopolitical implications of the story, the significance of his creative and casting decisions, and the universality of the narrative.
Tragic endings have long been the trend in queer cinema; Queerly Ever After is a column that covers films that give queer characters the happily ever after they deserve.
The adventures of Ms. Marvel aka Kamala Khan are already among Marvel’s highest selling comic book properties – and bringing her story to the big screen would not only be a financial success, but a cultural one, too.
Chris Watt spoke with Angie Reza Tures, the director of the Femme Frontera Filmmaker Showcase, a celebration of women filmmakers from the U.S.-Mexico border, which takes place on January 25th in Los Angeles.