Second Sight’s revival of World on a Wire is vital for not only highlighting one of Fassbinder’s more underrated efforts, but for resurrecting one of the essential texts of science fiction.
We discuss five films that epitomize the New German Cinema and provide an accessible entryway into one of the most intriguing movements in cinema history.
Casting, director Nicholas Wackerbarth’s meta tribute to Fassbinder’s 70’s masterpiece The Bitter Tears of Petra Van Kant, is a fantastically cringeworthy comedy in the same vein as Toni Erdmann.
They say if two’s company, then three’s a crowd, but I like crowds, especially when they’re crowds of gangster movies from countries around the world. So this is our third outing (first here, second here), and if my editor doesn’t kill me, there might be a fourth. Yes, there’s crime in every country, and where there’s crime there are criminals, and when they get organized they become gangsters, and if said country has a film business chances are they will make gangster movies.