Peter Chelsom

BERLIN, I LOVE YOU: Ode To The City Rings False
BERLIN, I LOVE YOU: Ode To The City Rings False

A haphazard concoction of cliches with a sugary sweet coating, Berlin, I Love You lacks any of the qualities that make the titular city so special.

THE SPACE BETWEEN US: Where Many Filmmakers Have Gone Before
THE SPACE BETWEEN US: Where Many Filmmakers Have Gone Before

THE SPACE BETWEEN US struggles to find its original voice amidst the plethora of recent space exploration movies.

The Space Between Us Trailer

The Space Between Us is the classic boy meets girl story, except the boy and girl are on different planets and the boy doesn’t know who his father is. It’s science fiction, romance, mystery, and medical drama all rolled up into one hopefully neat package. Admit it, if the film can pull off all these threads, it’ll be a pretty great movie.