Pamela Anderson
Pamela Anderson stars as an aging Las Vegas showgirl at a crossroads, after her acclaimed 30-year-show finally completes its run.
Pam & Tommy ends on seemingly hopeful note, one that is tainted by the knowledge of the future, as well as a new understanding of the scandal.
While some storylines were more engaging than others, the episode leaves you wondering, and worrying, about how its creators will end it all.
“Pamela in Wonderland” establishes an effective contrast between perceived happiness and success against a system and a society designed against women.
PAM & TOMMY (S1E5) “Uncle Jim And Aunt Susie In Duluth”: There Is No Stopping This Ticking Time Bomb
While Pam & Tommy opened to the euphoric bliss of a celebrity couple and marriage, the cracks have begun to show as the sex tape begins to gain steam.
Pam & Tommy’s “The Master Beta” contains a gut-wrenching ending, the perceived actions of Pamela and Tommy justified in the pain and agony of the moment.
While the series does find its slower moments in episode three, the performances of these two alone are the driving force to return for more.