Nicholas Ray

ON DANGEROUS GROUND: A Non-Noir Existing on The Fringes
ON DANGEROUS GROUND: A Non-Noir Existing On The Fringes

Read our review of Nicholas Ray’s genre-defying, low budget gem On Dangerous Ground now streaming on the Criterion Channel.

The Beginner’s Guide: Hollywood Melodramas

Read our latest Beginner’s Guide to Classic Hollywood Melodramas reevaluating filmmakers like Douglas Sirk, Max Ophüls, and Nicholas Ray.

Staff Inquiry: Our Favorite Classic Era Noirs
Staff Inquiry: Our Favorite Classic Era Noirs

This month’s Staff Inquiry is all about our most beloved examples of film noir, picking from the classic era of the ’40s and ’50s.

The Beginner's Guide: Coming-of-Age
The Beginner’s Guide: Coming-Of-Age

The Coming-of-Age film typically follows the story of confused, lonely and lost teens searching for their own identity as they weave their way through adolescence. In this Beginner’s Guide, we look back at some of the best examples of teen self discovery.

THEY LIVE BY NIGHT: The Start Of A Career Of Innocent Rebellion
THEY LIVE BY NIGHT: The Start Of A Career Of Innocent Rebellion

They Live by Night belongs to the tradition of films about outlaw lovers on the run. Like many of Ray’s main characters, normal life eludes them.