Wild Wild Country is highly intriguing, captivating its audience from the very beginning, provoking sincere emotion and proving itself to be wild indeed.
With occasional heartfelt moments that catch you off guard and the laughter you expect from a comedy, When We First Met falls flat, lacking a fresh enough story to save it from feeling limp.
The Cloverfield Paradox is helped along through a clever use of viral marketing, but it’s not enough to save an otherwise generic and messy sci-fi thriller.
If you’re looking to be scared, then The Ritual may satisfy that itch. Just know that you’ll probably have seen it already, in one horror film or another.
With a multitude of successful hits across television and film, Netflix misses a beat with their latest film The Open House, its convoluted story and under utilized characters causing the film to fall flat before it even begins.
The Babysitter is perfectly trashy popcorn entertainment, with a distinctive, highly-stylized vision and self-satirizing bite; a lesson in embracing genre conventions rather than falling victim to them.