Morten Tyldum

At long last, we have footage for Passengers. Most people have been waiting for this since mid-2015 when news hit that Sony was green lighting a sci-fi romance led by two of the hottest actors in the game. Christ Pratt was flying high off of The Lego Movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Jurassic World at the time, while Jennifer Lawrence was still in the midst of both The Hunger Games and X-Men series.

2014 should really be known as “The Year of the Biopic.” There have been films this past year that were based on many world-reknown icons, from Martin Luther King to Stephen Hawking to pop singer James Brown. And somewhere in the midst of all those comes the story of Alan Turing, a British mathematician that almost single-handedly won World War II.

It may still be summer blockbuster season, but awards season is almost with us. Over the next few weeks we’ll have a flood of trailers for award baiting movies, and The Imitation Game ticks multiple boxes: a World War 2 period drama, a biopic, a Harvey Weinstein production and a chance for Benedict Cumberbatch to finally get some awards recognition.