Momentum Pictures

Black Bear: Good Bark, Little Bite
BLACK BEAR: Strong Bark, Little Bite

Black Bear goes to such lengths to get across a mundane idea that even its lack of meaning is forgivable in light of its wild viewing experience.

THE DEATH AND LIFE OF JOHN F. DONOVAN: A Rare Case Of Bad Press Tainting A Not-So-Bad Movie

The Death and Life of John F. Donovan is far from perfect, but still manages to be a fascinating attempt at exploring sexual identity, isolation and the consequences of fame.

BLOODLINE: Serial Killer Film With No Motive
BLOODLINE: Serial Killer Film With No Motive

Bloodline is a truly frustrating experience – a few less unneeded twists and turns might have made the whole thing plausible.

I THINK WE’RE ALONE NOW: An Unusually Intimate but Ultimately Empty Post-Apocalyptic Drama
I THINK WE’RE ALONE NOW: An Intimate But Ultimately Empty Post-Apocalyptic Drama

I Think We’re Alone Now is a beautiful slow burn drama with a beautifully eerie atmosphere and striking performances from Dinklage and Fanning, ruined by an unruly mess of a third act.