Monster Hunter is a relic of sorts, where the guts and action, unrefined and tawdry as they are, are at least based on a genuine creative impulse.
Hellboy is an unfortunate example of how a R-rated superhero film could go wrong. It’s violent, but to a fault, lacking humor, substance, or a compelling story to go along with it.
Hellboy, caught between the worlds of the supernatural and human, battles an ancient sorceress bent on revenge.
Despite its name, Future World, with its interesting premise and a high-caliber cast, is meant to become a film that’s a part of the past.
The Fifth Element 20 years later: it’s still the packed with resplendent imagery, inventive art direction, and some well edited set pieces.
Does the sixth instalment in the Resident Evil franchise break the mould by being the movie that fans have always wanted?