Michael Fassbender


In Black Bag, When his wife is suspected of betraying the nation, an intelligence agent faces the ultimate test — loyalty to his marriage or his country.

London Film Festival 2023: THE KILLER
London Film Festival 2023: THE KILLER

Director David Fincher returns with The Killer, a stylish thriller about an assassin played by Michael Fassbender.


Solitary, cold, methodical and unencumbered by scruples or regrets, a killer waits in the shadows, watching for his next target in David Fincher’s newest.

X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX: A False Force Of Destruction
X-MEN: DARK PHOENIX: A False Force Of Destruction

With audiences expectations through the roof, Dark Phoenix’s climatic conclusion is a forgettable blockbuster.

Mental Illness In The Movies: How FRANK Debunks The Myth Of The Tortured Artist

The lesson of Frank is that mental illness is a hindrance, not a gift of inspiration, and romanticising it is a dangerous road to go down.


Jean Grey begins to develop incredible powers that corrupt and turn her into a Dark Phoenix. The X-Men will have to decide if the life of a team member is worth more than all the people living in the world.

Take Two: Rebellion And Evolution In Ridley Scott's ALIEN: COVENANT
Take Two: Rebellion And Evolution In Ridley Scott’s ALIEN: COVENANT

In the latest of our Take Two series, we tackle Alien: Covenant, the Ridley Scott thriller that tried to balance science fiction with philosophical intrigue.

THE SNOWMAN: A Frigid & Dreary Film-Watching Experience
THE SNOWMAN: A Frigid & Dreary Film-Watching Experience

The Snowman, though with talent behind its production, ended up being an unfortunately jumbled and incoherent mess of a film.

ALIEN: COVENANT: Even Ridley Scott Can’t Wade Through A Script This Poor
ALIEN: COVENANT: Even Ridley Scott Can’t Wade Through A Script This Poor

Alien: Covenant takes a valiant attempt at re-creating the magic from the original, but ultimately falters from screenplay to screen.

SONG TO SONG: A Beautiful, Musical Puzzle
SONG TO SONG: A Beautiful, Musical Puzzle

Song to Song brings A-game performances and an was aesthetically pleasing look, all that was missing was a strong plot.

TRESPASS AGAINST US: A Clichéd Countryside Crime Drama
TRESPASS AGAINST US: A Clichéd Countryside Crime Drama

Trespass Against Us is a crime film that, though with talent both in front of and behind the screen, fails to develop beyond cliché territory.

ASSASSIN'S CREED: It's Pretty Darn Bad, But It's The Best Video Game Film Ever Made
ASSASSIN’S CREED: It’s Pretty Darn Bad, But It’s The Best Video Game Film Ever Made

Assassin’s Creed may be the best video game adaptation, with some dynamic action, but it still has a run of seething and frustrating flaws

THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS: A Story Lost In Adaptation
THE LIGHT BETWEEN OCEANS: A Story Lost In Adaptation

When deciding whether a story should be written as a book or a screenplay, a writer must decide which media would be the best platform to tell their story. The Light Between Oceans, based on a novel by M. L.

STEVE JOBS And The Current State Of The Biopic
STEVE JOBS And The Current State Of The Biopic

“Based on a true story.” “Based on true events.” “Inspired by actual events.

X-Men Apocalypse
X-MEN: APOCALYPSE: Forgettable, In Every Way

Man is an individual only because of his intangible memory; and memory cannot be defined, but it defines mankind. — Ghost in the Shell X-Men: Apocalypse, the capper to the X-Men: