The Adam Project is an exciting time-traveling romp from Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy that is sure to give you a couple fleeting hours of entertainment.
Dark Waters is poignant, infuriating, and anxiety-inducing in the best possible way, and serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and responsibility — now more than ever.
Avengers: Endgame was three hours of time-altering fights, blood, promises made, promises kept, and death – all culminating in a spectacular end to a decade’s worth of beloved movies.
More so than not, it seems that movies based on actual events have a tendency to romanticize their stories. Or, in the hopes of emotionally prodding their audience, they present an overly sappy version of those events. Thankfully, Spotlight doesn’t fall victim to either of these two trends.
When I think back to Avengers: Age of Ultron, the best thing I can compare it to is a multi-layered Impressionist painting. From up close, it often looks and feels like an over-stuffed mess, as if director Joss Whedon was trying to cram as much as possible into his 2 hour and 20 minute timeframe.
The discussion on the best knockout films of all-time continues. If you missed my review on Million Dollar Baby in December, it served as the start of this discussion. This includes films based on boxing, wrestling, martial arts, MMA, etc.