Louis Hofmann

DARK Season 3: The Involved Time-Travel Series Comes To A Notable End
DARK Season 3: The Involved Time-Travel Series Comes To A Notable End

Dark demands patience and provoked tempting reflection on fate, it’s final season feeling organic and giving the send-off it deserves.

DARK Season 2: Perplexing Sci-fi Noir Series Is Temptingly Creepy
DARK Season 2: Perplexing Sci-fi Noir Series Is Temptingly Creepy

Dark is still a time-traveling minefield, provoking characters to coast through time, evolve and alter their original impulses.

THE WHITE CROW: This Is No Black Swan
THE WHITE CROW: This Is No Black Swan

The White Crow boasts an excellent lead performance from Oleg Ivenko, but the central character remains cold and distant throughout.