
Have you ever noticed that some of the most resounding characters in film, either heroes or villains, usually behave in ways that absolutely baffle you? They are a dichotomy, a wonderful multi-layered creation, taking our breaths away with their grays (a refreshing contrast to the black/white of some of the more forgettable characters in films). Whenever I run across a character like this, my celluloid-loving heart skips a beat.

Experimental film by its very nature often flies under the radar of the average film viewer and even most movie buffs. However, I’d like to take this opportunity to offer a sort of crash course in experimental film by highlighting five (well, sort of six) experimental filmmakers that deserve at the very least a cursory glance. These are people who changed film-making, completely threw out the rule book, and influenced cinema in very permanent and crucial ways, both with their cameras and their pens.

For me, the way a film looks is nearly as important as how good it is. I can remember leaving several theatres saying, “Wow, that movie was terrible, but it looked amazing!” Film is a visual media after all, and cinematographers work extrememly hard to present audiences with beautiful and stunning imagery even if the film doesn’t work as a whole – I’m looking at you, Prometheus.

As the summer movie season begins to wind down a bit and the little ones return to school, it is a sign that the best films of the year are approaching. You see, studios like to have their best films fresh on the minds of critics when award season rolls around. While 2014 has been a disappointing year in film so far, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it is fast approaching.

What is a vigilante? They often exist in settings where justice itself fails; police has become incapable of fighting crime, either because the perpetrator outwits them or because they have an extraterrestrial power that the police simply does not have the power to deal with. This is when the vigilante arises, a man or woman or a bunch of them, who takes justice in his, her or their own hand:

Here at FilmInquiry, we love to read about movies, write about movies, and to learn more about movies every day! If you too would like to learn more about movies, we suggest you check out the following list. We’ve listed ten courses (on different types of platforms) about filmmaking, film history and everything else film.