CLEMENTINE: It's More About How You Get There Than the Destination
CLEMENTINE: It’s More About How You Get There Than the Destination

Brilliantly crafted, Clementine will speak to a variety of audiences, giving messages of not only understanding, but hope.

RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE S12E9 "Choices 2020"
RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE S12E9 “Choices 2020”: Inner Saboteurs & Confronting Islamophobia

With RuPaul Drag Race’s “Choices 2020”, we see the many different ways LGBT+ folks deal with and come to terms with modern American politics.

Queerly Ever After #24: STEAM ROOM STORIES: THE MOVIE! (2019)
Queerly Ever After #24: STEAM ROOM STORIES: THE MOVIE! (2019)

Steam Room Stories: The Movie! is good, dumb, fun. Sometimes, that’s just what you need.

RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE S12E8 “Droop”: Tears From A Drag Queen

We are at the beginning of the home stretch for season 12 and the pressure is mounting. The queens have handled every challenge, but can they bring it to a…marketing challenge??

QUERY: A Refreshing Take On An Important Conversation
QUERY: A Refreshing Take On An Important Conversation

Query is charming and thoughtful short film, and a refreshing take on an important conversation we should all be having more.

RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE S12E7 "Madonna: The Unauthorized Rusical": An Immaculate Episode Causes A Commotion
RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE S12E7 “Madonna: The Unauthorized Rusical”: An Immaculate Episode Causes A Commotion

Madonna and Michelle Visage finally get their past-due attention from the show and it makes for perhaps the best Rusical challenge in Drag Race her-story.

PRIDE & PROTEST: Documentary Celebrates Sexuality & Community In The Face Of Backlash
PRIDE & PROTEST: Documentary Celebrates Sexuality & Community In The Face Of Backlash

Pride & Protest is a worthwhile endeavour for viewers, presenting an interesting insight into a rarely-depicted segment of the LGBTQ+ community

RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE S12E6 "Snatch Game": She Who Snatches The Game, Snatches The Crown, Right?
RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE S12E6 “Snatch Game”: She Who Snatches The Game, Snatches The Crown, Right?

This is turning out to be a good season with some of the best queens to come out of the show, and with our front-runner Miss Gigi Goode, we’re able to catch a glimpse of our possible winner.

TRIXIE MATTEL - MOVING PARTS: A Poignant Take On Ephemeral Fame
TRIXIE MATTEL – MOVING PARTS: A Poignant Take On Ephemeral Fame

Trixie Mattel: Moving Parts is a raw, at times agonising portrait of the contemporary reality show celebrity. Rafaela Sales Ross reviews.

Queerly Ever After #23: ESTEROS (2016)
Queerly Ever After #23: ESTEROS (2016)

Esteros is a sweet, simple love story about two former lovers who reconnect as adults and discover that the feelings they had for each other never went away.

RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE S12E5 “Gay’s Anatomy”: An Acting Challenge Brings The Drama

If we remember to cling to the wonderful parts of these episodes, then we can get through this tumultuous season of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

BFI Flare 2020: Ask Any Buddy and My Fiona

Two very different recommendations from BFI Flare 2020: Evan Purchell’s explicit doc Ask Any Buddy, and Kelly Walker’s comedy drama My Fiona.

RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE (S12E4) "The Ball Ball": Ru's Choices Deflate The Competition
RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE (S12E4) “The Ball Ball”: Ru’s Choices Deflate The Competition

Hopefully, next week’s episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race season 12 will be better and we can see if this setup will mold itself into a satisfying arc.

Queerly Ever After #22: OY VEY! MY SON IS GAY!! (2009)
Queerly Ever After #22: OY VEY! MY SON IS GAY!! (2009)

Despite Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!! having a happy ending, it still serves up highly offensive and harmful gay stereotypes.

RUPAUL'S DRAG RACE (S12E3) "World's Worst": A $5,000 Donation Can't Save This Episode
RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE (S12E3) “World’s Worst”: A $5,000 Donation Can’t Save This Episode

Overall “World’s Worst” was a less-than-average episode with subpar performances in the improv challenge and a poor choice for a winner.