For the first time in 64 years, the late, great James Dean is reportedly starring in a new movie.
As Alien turns 40 this year, it’s a good time to revisit the original film, examining the legacy that has endured from it.
Enchanting and eye opening, Won’t You Be My Neighbor will perfectly captivate and engage viewers, showcasing the power to affect change.
While Love Always, Mom waves a large price tag in the eyes of its viewers, it is an engrossing film that shows a hope in the depths of darkness while displaying the benefits of sheer determination and will.
In our latest entry of Anarchic Cinema, we discuss Nick Zedd’s 1979 undiluted cinematic punk rock film They Eat Scum.
Whilst it has many problems, Maya Dardel is a prickly, contentious and fascinating film that knows with absolute certainty what it is.
Abundant Acreage Available is a simple package of meditation about life and death you will be thinking about long after the film has ended.
The Sense of an Ending is a commendable effort from both director and cast, yet its underwritten characters become lost in adaptation.