Kenneth Branagh

Unconventional Adaptations That Keep Shakespeare Relevant
Unconventional Adaptations That Keep Shakespeare Relevant

To some audiences, the works of Shakespeare are synonymous with boring, old fashioned literature- these adaptations breathe in new life.

CINDERELLA: A Safe but Amazingly Done Reimagining

Rejoice, all, for love and magic have been made real again and no longer confined to shallow movies that preach the wrong topics filled with two dimensional protagonists that do nothing but fulfill ageless and traditional characterizations. Cinderella manages to be the most refreshing new Disney movie out, by paradoxically undergoing the least transformation. Directed by Kenneth Branagh with the utilization of his perfectly suitable Shakespearean mastery, and supported by a cast of actors and actresses that look like they came straight out of the storybook, Cinderella is a delightful reiteration of the classic story that we’ve all grown to know.