Offering a backstory to the infamous tale of Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, Excalibur excels in its fantastical showcase delivering a story that is still fresh and grand today.
As soon as Justus D. Barnes fired point-blank at the audience in Edwin S. Porter’s influential The Great Train Robbery, the idea of violence to control an audience was introduced.
Over at our official Facebook page , we are currently posting daily Film Recommendations, with each week being a different theme. The first theme is Stylish Gangster Films, crime films which are elevated by aesthetically appealing visuals and great alternative takes on the usual gangster film tropes. 1.
What is it about the fantasy genre that we find so fascinating? Is it the lure of escapism, the feeling of delight one finds being transported to the various textured habitats of places such as Middle Earth, Westeros, or Hogwarts? Or marvel over the depictions of fabled historical retellings that have taken on mythic qualities over the years?
The word “gritty” is often used by reviewers to describe films which portray graphic physical violence, lone wolf characters, and probably a line of coke or two. While I feel that’s accurate, my own personal definition for a gritty film differs slightly. If I describe a film as gritty, expect it to be both emotionally and physically violent and draining.