Joel McHale

IT'S A WONDERFUL KNIFE: Perfect Blend of Christmas Cheer and Campy Gore
IT’S A WONDERFUL KNIFE: Perfect Blend of Christmas Cheer and Campy Gore

It’s a Wonderful Knife embraces its premise with blood-soaked snow, candy cane stab wounds, and cheery Christmas tunes.

HAPPILY: Unique Take on a Familiar Story
HAPPILY: Unique Take on a Familiar Story

Happily breathes new life into a story we have seen too many times through its unique twists to the classic structure and charming performances.


A mysterious stranger leads to a dead body, a lot of questions, and a tense couples’ trip with friends who may not actually be friends at all.

BECKY: Beware The Girl
BECKY: Beware The Girl

Becky is an entertaining thrill ride but runs into trouble with its weak script and mediocre direction.

STUCK: Solid Cast and Real Female Characters
STUCK: Solid Cast Real Female Characters

Stuck is a fun comedy about a woman trying to do good but getting side-tracked by her habits and her past.