Ultimately, Top: Gun Maverick preserves the atmosphere of a timeless era and places it in the modern-day, harnessing an infectious energy.
The 1998 Dark City is nearly a nightmare-fueled neo-noir masterpiece.
After more than thirty years of service, Pete Mitchell is where he belongs, pushing the envelope as a courageous test pilot.
Based on Bong Joon-Ho’s masterful film, the TV adaptation of Snowpiercer starts slow but builds to a fascinating finale.
Judging from the first trailer for Top Gun: Maverick, this film will be a trip down memory lane.
Besides some noteworthy acton sequences, Alita: Battle Angel is otherwise a disappointing affair, even moreso given James Cameron’s involvement.
In the latest of our Take Two series, we tackle Requiem for a Dream, the drug-fueled nightmare that launched Darren Aronofsky into stardom.
Noah is surreal and magical: nothing what you’d expect of a Bible retelling, but everything you’d expect from Darren Aronofsky, and it’s a piece of art.