
ONLY YESTERDAY, Isao Takahata's Forgotten Masterpiece, 30 Years Later
ONLY YESTERDAY, Isao Takahata’s Forgotten Masterpiece, 30 Years Later

Thirty years on, the poignant, thoughtful Only Yesterday stands out as a mature, sophisticated gem among Studio Ghibli’s catalog.

FROM UP ON POPPY HILL Gorō Miyazaki's Best Film, 10 Years Later
FROM UP ON POPPY HILL: Gorō Miyazaki’s Best Film, 10 Years Later

Looking at the legacy of Gorō Miyazaki’s best film, From Up On Poppy Hill, which was written by his father, the legendary Hayao Miyazaki.

BLOODY SPEAR AT MOUNT FUJI: A Samurai Masterpiece From Legendary Director Tomu Uchida
BLOODY SPEAR AT MOUNT FUJI: A Samurai Masterpiece From Legendary Director Tomu Uchida

Tomu Uchida’s Bloody Spear at Mount Fuji is a masterpiece, offering a complex rewriting of Japanese national mythology.

THE HUMAN CONDITION Criterion Review: Masaki Kobayashi's Epic, Remastered
THE HUMAN CONDITION Criterion Review: Masaki Kobayashi’s Epic, Remastered

The new Criterion release allows the viewer to appreciate everything Kobayashi’s towering masterwork has to offer at an even greater level.

DEMON SLAYER: MUGEN TRAIN: Action & Emotions Collide In Japan's Highest-Grossing Film
DEMON SLAYER: MUGEN TRAIN: Action & Emotions Collide In Japan’s Highest-Grossing Film

In Demon Slayer: Mugen Train, can Tanjiro & Co. find the the demon responsible for strange disappearances on the Mugen train?

EARWIG AND THE WITCH: Studio Ghibli's Riskiest Director Dives Into The Third Dimension
EARWIG AND THE WITCH: Studio Ghibli’s Riskiest Director Dives Into The Third Dimension

The potential with this was promising, and yet they couldn’t quite make it work.

Horrific Inquiry: KAIRO (2001)
Horrific Inquiry: KAIRO (2001)

The latest edition of Film Inquiry’s horror movie-centered column, Horrific Inquiry, takes a look at the 2001 Japanese film Kairo, or Pulse.

LISTEN TO THE UNIVERSE: A Traditional Competition Film, With Something Extra
LISTEN TO THE UNIVERSE: A Traditional Competition Film, With Something Extra

In its styles, structures, and personal relationships, Listen to the Universe does the rare feat of turning a competition against itself.

RED POST ON ESCHER STREET: The World Is Your Stage. Are You At Its Center?
RED POST ON ESCHER STREET: The World Is Your Stage. Are You At Its Center?

It embodies the theory of a movie’s intricate parts, and bit players function initially as individualistic entities that coalesce into a collective.

One Piece Got Me Through This Year
ONE PIECE Got Me Through This Year

With 900+ episodes, One Piece is a high-seas pirate anime that makes for an effective escape for those in quarantine during the pandemic.

The Miseducation Of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, A Legitimate Gay Icon
The Miseducation Of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer, A Legitimate Gay Icon

The story of Rudolph is a celebration of the outcasts, yes, but what makes it gay?

TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH: Clash of Cultures in Kiyoshi Kurosawa's Latest
TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH: Clash of Cultures in Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Latest

Regardless of its narrative, Kurosawa’s focus on Yoko — and Maeda’s marvelous performance — keep the movie afloat.

"We Need To Start Living As If We Are A Part Of The Ecosystem.” Interview With Tomm Moore And Ross Stewart, Directors Of WOLFWALKERS
“We Need To Start Living As If We Are A Part Of The Ecosystem.” Interview With Tomm Moore And Ross Stewart, Directors Of WOLFWALKERS

Daryl MacDonald spoke with Tomm Moore and Ross Stewart to discuss the third in their unofficial Celtic folklore triptych: Wolfwalkers.

London Film Festival 2020: WOLFWALKERS
London Film Festival 2020: WOLFWALKERS

In an era where hand-drawn animations are fewer and fewer, films like this one ought to be shouted from the rooftops and celebrated.

Take An Exclusive Virtual Tour Of Japan's Ghibli Museum
Take An Exclusive Virtual Tour Of Japan’s Ghibli Museum

Cinephiles fans can virtually visit the Ghibli Museum, a celebration of the prolific Japanese animation studio’s work, designed by Hayao Miyazaki.