Years after her happily ever after, Giselle, Robert and Morgan move to a new community and Andalasia and the real world are thrown off-balance.
For setting low goals, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 mostly delivers what it promises for the fans and families.
As it is, The Stand, has some great direction and acting, even if some of the time management isn’t on point.
Colorful, funny, and filled with great performances, Sonic The Hedgehog is a surprisingly above-average video game adaptation.
In Sonic the Hedhehog, a cop in the rural town of Green Hills will help Sonic escape from the government who is looking to capture him.
Shawn Glinis attended the Westworld panel which was a complete whirlwind, and saw Spike Lee’s new joint at the Alamo Drafthouse. This is a report from SXSW 2018.