Jake Gyllenhaal

LIFE: Shortsighted Characters Alienate The Viewer From A Gripping Story
LIFE: Shortsighted Characters Alienate The Viewer From A Gripping Story

Life certainly nails its big moments, but it’s frustrating that what could have been a memorable classic handicapped itself with hapless characters.

NOCTURNAL ANIMALS: As Elegant & Lavish As It Is Darkly Cynical
NOCTURNAL ANIMALS: As Elegant & Lavish As It Is Darkly Cynical

Nocturnal Animals is Tom Ford’s latest film, presented in lavish and bright neon colors; though it also possesses a hopelessly dark view.

SOUTHPAW: As Clichéd As A Sports Movie Can Possibly Be

Before it had even stepped into the ring, Southpaw was dead on arrival. After all, although boxing isn’t the sport that has generated the most movies, it is the sport that has generated the most beloved cinematic classics – from Rocky and Raging Bull to the more recent likes of Million Dollar Baby and The Fighter. At the screening I attended, I was far more likely to greet it as an unwelcome entry to the boxing movie pantheon, due to the fact that the last trailer before the movie started was for Creed, the new Rocky spin-off that benefits from having Sylvester Stallone yet again reprising his most iconic role.

NIGHTCRAWLER: A Psychological Journey

Nightcrawler, starring Jake Gyllenhaal, balances the crime thriller, dark comedy, and character study genres with ease. The film focuses on Louis Bloom, a mysterious young insomniac who takes to the nighttime streets of Los Angeles in an attempt to capture the most shocking breaking news. Armed with his video camera and sidekick, Rick, Louis turns real life car crashes and murders into exciting film clips to headline the morning stories.

ENEMY is Denis Villeneuve’s Beautiful, Twisted Mind-Bender

Last year, Denis Villeneuve directed one of the most pleasant surprises of the year with Prisoners, an unrelentingly tense film about child abduction that presented intriguing moral questions while also providing satisfying twists and turns throughout. That filmed starred Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal. Gyllenhaal has teamed up with Villeneuve again in Enemy, a much smaller and much, much more mind-bending film than Prisoners.

PRISONERS Tells Us Justice is Incapable and to Fear People

I had already previewed Prisoners a while ago, and was quite interested in seeing the movie. However, I didn’t have the chance until yesterday due to… life.