Instead of living up to its Godard and Whedon-esque aspirations, Blood Fest shoots itself in the foot, delivering cliche after cliche in a formulaic, hopelessly grating package.
Strike, Dear Mistress, and Cure His Heart is too reliant on its use of narration, but still manages to capture the horror of dysfunctional relationships.
We spoke with Luke Del Tredici about the ten-year process of getting Arizona into production, the fragility and elusiveness of the American Dream, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, and much more!
Lacking the dirsired jump scares and trust in itself, Our House is a film that will now be stuck in limbo, too tame for modern horror audiences and not emotionally satisfying enough for others.
Castle Rock’s Filter is an impeccably scored episode, with enamoring performances by Spacek and Holland, that level out the grooves this mixed bag left behind.
Castle Rock is haunted, and there’s a reasonable amount of fantastical threads, but it is grounded with characters impacted by very real circumstances.
We were able to talk with Jessica Barth, star of the horror Along Came the Devil, about her awesome stunt work on Deadly Lessons and her great working relationship with Seth MacFarlane.
A ghost of the film it tries to summon, The Secret of Marrowbone is unable to pull everything together and its disparate elements fail to coalesce into anything approaching satisfying.