
WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING: Cringe Worthy Gore Goes Deeper
WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING: Cringe Worthy Gore Goes Deeper

We Need to Do Something is a cringeworthy experience providing audiences a graphic examination of abuse coupled with the intricate craftsmanship of horror.

Horrific Inquiry: THE UNINVITED (2009)
Horrific Inquiry: THE UNINVITED (2009)

Despite some predictable plotlines, it doesn’t take away from the quality, experience, and entertainment The Uninvited promises to its audience.

Fantasia Film Festival: Interview with the writing/directing family John Adams, Zelda Adams & Toby Poser, creators of HELLBENDER
Fantasia Film Festival: Interview with the Writing/Directing family: John Adams, Zelda Adams & Toby Poser, creators of HELLBENDER

Film Inquiry spoke with writers/directors John Adams, Zelda Adams & Toby Poser for their newest film, Hellbender.

Fantasia Film Festival: Interview with the writing/directing family John Adams, Zelda Adams & Toby Poser, creators of HELLBENDER
Fantasia Film Festival 2021: HELLBENDER

Hellbender create its own stamp on the subgenre with a twisting, trippy and complex mother/daughter relationship that is certain to leave a lasting mark.

Horrific Inquiry: LES DIABOLIQUES (1955)
Horrific Inquiry: LES DIABOLIQUES (1955)

Les Diaboliques’ intriguing and twisting story will keep you guessing, entertained and horrified, while showcasing the craftsmanship behind the classic.

THE LAST MATINEE: Colorful And Gory Love Letter To The Slasher
THE LAST MATINEE: Colorful And Gory Love Letter To The Slasher

The Last Matinee is a blood-soaked and nostalgic journey into a bygone era of movie theaters and their unique beauty.

THE NIGHT HOUSE: A Horror With Two Personalities
THE NIGHT HOUSE: A Horror With Two Personalities

The Night House is a kaleidoscope of creaks and whispers, playing with anticipation and stretching it as far as it can go.

Fantasia Film Festival 2021: WHAT JOSIAH SAW
Fantasia Film Festival 2021: WHAT JOSIAH SAW

Haunting, strange, and engrossing, What Josiah Saw works in perpetuating perceivable dread.

ANGEL'S EGG: A Charlatan's Musings
ANGEL’S EGG: A Charlatan’s Musings

It’s films like Angel’s Egg that make the critic feel like a charlatan, aimlessly looking for patterns in the entrails.

SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW: Sign Us Up For Another Chapter
SPIRAL: FROM THE BOOK OF SAW: Sign Us Up For Another Chapter

While it is less gory, especially in the film’s conclusion, it leaves a twist and an ending that speaks to the possibility of more films to come.

Horrific Inquiry: SLEEPAWAY CAMP (1983)
Horrific Inquiry: SLEEPAWAY CAMP (1983)

Horrific Inquiry looks back on Sleepaway Camp, one of the most successful independent films ever made, and its societal lens on young women.

THE BOY BEHIND THE DOOR: A Horror Film That Wants To Be More
THE BOY BEHIND THE DOOR: A Horror Film That Wants To Be More

The Boy Behind the Door boasts some incredible shots, framing marrying with its lighting, crafting intrigue, and lasting impressions.

OLD: A Sinking Feeling
OLD: A Sinking Feeling

Despite a strong first half, Old, the latest nightmare from M. Night Shyamalan, quickly falls apart in the second half.

TILL DEATH: An Empty Film With Empty Vows
TILL DEATH: An Empty Film With Empty Vows

Slow and overall boring, Till Death only slightly leans into the intensity and intrigue it promises.

FEAR STREET PART THREE: 1666: Perfect End to the Trilogy, but Leaves Room for More
FEAR STREET PART THREE: 1666: Perfect End to the Trilogy, but Leaves Room for More

Fear Street Part Three: 1666, the third part of a trilogy, ties everything perfectly back to the first two films.