
ALL OF US ARE DEAD: An Emotional Zombie Invasion
ALL OF US ARE DEAD: An Emotional Zombie Invasion

Coupled with strong performances and talent behind the camera, All of Us Are Dead is a binge-worthy venture.

Meet the Turners in S3 of SERVANT, Interview with stars Lauren Ambrose & Toby Kebbell
Meet The Turners In S3 Of SERVANT, Interview With Stars Lauren Ambrose & Toby Kebbell

Film Inquiry spoke with Toby Kebbell and Lauren Ambrose, stars of the hit Appletv+ series, Servant!

SCREAM: A Bloody Brilliant "Requel"
SCREAM: A Bloody Brilliant “Requel”

Scream is a knock-out success, showcasing the power horror inductions can still wield through modernization and an honoring of the past.

Horrific Inquiry: SCREAM 4 (2011)
Horrific Inquiry: SCREAM 4 (2011)

The release of Scream 5 is almost here! But first, we need to take a moment to look back on the final Scream installment Wes Craven would work on: Scream 4.

The 1974 BLACK CHRISTMAS Brought Giallo To America, And Nobody Was Ready
The 1974 BLACK CHRISTMAS Brought Giallo To America, And Nobody Was Ready

With Black Christmas’ blend of sadism, camp and scantily clad women, the film finds the pulse of the American slasher.


Black Christmas is not the knock-out holiday film you might be craving, but it entertaining to say the least.

"As A Kid I Was Very Much An Optimist': Interview With Molly Quinn, Star Of Agnes
“As A Kid I Was Very Much An Optimist’: Interview With Molly Quinn, Star Of Agnes

Film Inquiry interviews Molly Quinn, who stars in the horror drama Agnes as a nun named Mary dealing with the supernatural.

Horrific Inquiry: SCREAM 3 (2000)
Horrific Inquiry: SCREAM 3 (2000)

With only a month left until the release of the franchise’s fifth installment, we are back with another edition of Horrific Inquiry’s Scream Countdown!

Interview With Writer/Director of SILENT NIGHT, Camille Griffin
Interview With Camille Griffin Writer/Director Of SILENT NIGHT

Film Inquiry spoke with writer/director Camille Griffin for her feature directorial debut: Silent Night.

THE ADVENT CALENDAR A Holiday Horror Eclipsed By Its Predecessors
THE ADVENT CALENDAR: A Holiday Horror Eclipsed By Its Predecessors

Patrick Ridremont’s The Advent Calendar is a holiday horror film about a woman given the opportunity to walk again, but at what price?

THE FEAST: Skip To Dessert
THE FEAST: Skip To Dessert

The Feast is a well-crafted film, boasting exquisite shots that deserve their place in horror recognition, but the story itself drags it down.

BLACK FRIDAY: Fun Horror Comedy for the Holidays
BLACK FRIDAY: Fun Horror Comedy for the Holidays

I’ve always wondered why Black Friday had not been explored in a horror film. Director…

DOUBLE WALKER: The Past Can Haunt You
DOUBLE WALKER: The Past Can Haunt You

Between its seemingly inconsistent mythology and a confusing timeline, Double Walker forces the audience to work harder to appreciate its strengths.

Horrific Inquiry: SCREAM 2 (1997)
Horrific Inquiry: SCREAM 2 (1997)

While it may not live up to the bar set, Scream 2 delivers a solid sequel that not only expands the rules of horror but lays the groundwork for the trilogy.


Blindspots is back with another double dose of horror recommendations!