
Horrific Inquiry: MY BLOODY VALENTINE (2009)
Horrific Inquiry: MY BLOODY VALENTINE (2009)

This film may be a remake of the 1981 classic but it creates its own identity, carving out its own place within the horror genre.

While Everyone's Still Talking About M3GAN, Let's Talk About MALIGNANT
While Everyone’s Still Talking About M3GAN, Let’s Talk About MALIGNANT

Malignant embraces the true cult sensibility that M3gan only gestures to, serving up a wildly entertaining and singular cinematic experience.


Shyamalan’s Knock At The Cabin finds new ways to explore old ideas, deviating slightly from his usual formula while still making you frightfully uneasy.

THE OUTWATERS: I'm Going To Need A Minute
THE OUTWATERS: I’m Going To Need A Minute

The Outwaters is a movie you won’t soon forget, becoming a definitive part of the rolling word of mouth marketing.

Sundance Film Festival 2023: SLOW & SORCERY
Sundance Film Festival 2023: SLOW & SORCERY

In her last Sundance report, Kristy Strouse takes a look at Slow & Sorcery!

Sundance Film Festival 2023: ONYX THE FORTUITOUS AND THE TALISMAN OF SOULS Interviews
Sundance Film Festival 2023: ONYX THE FORTUITOUS AND THE TALISMAN OF SOULS Interviews

Film Inquiry spoke with writer/director/actor Andrew Bowser, and stars Barbara Crampton and Rivkah Reyes for Onyx the Fortuitous and the Talisman of Souls!

SICK: No Quarantine Required
SICK: No Quarantine Required

While Sick may not be the grade-A horror film it wants to be, it is an enjoyable watch, with a few surprises, and some great visual creations.

Horrific Inquiry: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (1932)
Horrific Inquiry: THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME (1932)

The Most Dangerous Game proves itself to be a classic film that goes beyond the staples of film infancy.

Sundance Film Festival 2023: RUN RABBIT RUN & TALK TO ME
Sundance Film Festival 2023: RUN RABBIT RUN & TALK TO ME

In our latest report from the 2023 Sundance Film Festival, Kevin L. Lee reviews two Australian horrors – Run Rabbit Run and Talk to Me!

BLOOD: Will Have You Thirsting For More
BLOOD: Will Have You Thirsting For More

Deeply layered and nuanced, Blood finds the life line of horror and harnesses it for an experience that satisfies, and has you craving to return for more.

Sundance Film Festival 2023: Midnight Section: INFINITY POOL, BIRTH/REBIRTH & IN MY MOTHER"S SKIN
Sundance Film Festival 2023: Midnight Section: INFINITY POOL, BIRTH/REBIRTH & IN MY MOTHER”S SKIN

In her second report, Kristy Strouse hones in on three of the Midnight selection!

SMILE: A Horror That Will Put A Smile On Your Face
SMILE: A Horror That Will Put A Smile On Your Face

2022 was quite the year for horror cinema, and “Smile” takes the cake as a particularly horrifying look at how trauma endures.

Horrific Inquiry: CHILD'S PLAY (1988)
Horrific Inquiry: CHILD’S PLAY (1988)

As Child’s Play would help to close out a decade of slashers, it would open an unyielding franchise that would garner accolades of all ages.

Interview With Filmmaker Kyle Edward Ball For SKINAMARINK

Film Inquiry sat down with filmmaker Kyle Edward Ball to discuss the release of his feature-length debut, Skinamarink.

Interview With Star Of SERVANT Nell Tiger Free
Interview With Star Of SERVANT Nell Tiger Free

Film Inquiry spoke with Nell Tiger Free, star of the Appletv+ horror Servant.