Aly is a perfect example of a short film done right, a simple idea, executed with grace.
Strange Darling is fresh and original, a thriller for the ages on an indie budget.
The program for Sundance 2025 includes a whopping 87 feature-length films from filmmakers across 33 countries and territories.
In this Away From the Hype we take a look at the 1954 Godzilla.
Black Can is worth a one time watch, if for no other reason than to see Nick Frost really let loose.
While it may be highly satisfying to watch while its puzzlebox is winding through its narrative gears, Heretic is a box with nothing hidden inside.
Marking the first widely distributed feature film release of director Lance Todd, Beyond the North…
Hold Your Breath is a fantastic film and at a short runtime, what do you have to lose to give it a shot?
Jenny Pen is a cold-eyed excavation of one of the basest fears humanity possesses: That life, in all its triumphs, is a meaningless house of cards.
Like any good exploitation movie Exorcismo feels like a pleasant discovery for a genre buff, a treat from the back of the video store.
Generation Terror proves a refreshing revitalization of the nuances under all the blood and guts, as well as the guts themselves.
MadS playful spirit elevates it from film school exercise to wild romp. Fans of Y2K-era zombie movies like Rec or indie bad trips like Bliss are in for a treat.
Smile 2 may occasionally overdo it with its over-the-top approach, and it contains a scattershot plot, but its strength lies in its presentation.
Halloween is one of the most festive times of the year, and with it comes…
News that Robert Pattinson and Parker Finn are developing a “Possession” remake drew criticism from feminist horror writers and critics.