After 8 episodes of questions, reveals, losses, victories and even more questions, we’ve finally reached the end of His Dark Materials season 1.
In this episode, we got some of our best performances, most intense dialogue, and action sequences that keep you on the edge of your seat.
With its fifth episode, His Dark Materials became less of the title, and more of the characters we want to see succeed.
This episode of His Dark Materials expands the show’s reach and vision just beyond one character, so that we can speculate on things to come.
His Dark Materials is an adventure story at its core, and we’re finally starting to get into the adventuring.
If the rest of the season of His Dark Materials is as good as its second episode, we’re in for a great season.
His Dark Materials is, at its core, a story of adventure, so strap in and let’s see where the zeppelins take us.