Stockholm is successful in doing the impossible – making the viewer understand and even empathize with the interpersonal connection between a hostage and her captor, and vice versa.
Widows is a thrilling, satisfying and breathtaking experience that toys with the conventions of the genre while bringing enough depth and surprises of its own.
A fun-filled flick with an all-star cast of charismatic ladies having a blast; Ocean’s 8 is a stylish follow-up that captures the spirit of the original trilogy while still doing its own thing.
It isn’t the glossiest documentary, and there isn’t a significant style or a comfortable flow, but what Evil Genius lacks in pizzazz in makes up for in persistence and unearthing.
With its sheer amount of ‘Straight to DVD’ film sensibilities, Den of Thieves is as generic as bank heist thrillers come, and at a bloated 2 and a half hour run-time as well.