Gina Carano

How THE MANDALORIAN And ILM Created A Visual Effects Breakthrough
How THE MANDALORIAN And ILM Created A Visual Effects Breakthrough

The Mandalorian delivered audiences and filmmakers a visual effects breakthrough. And because of it, visual effects are likely changing forever.

THE MANDALORIAN (S1E4) “Sanctuary”: Falls Short
THE MANDALORIAN (S1E4) “Sanctuary”: Falls Short

The Mandalorian is nowhere near the heights of many other prestige TV shows but at the very least it’s entertaining.

10 Great Action Heroines Of Cinema

The figure of the action heroine in film has always been present to some extent, even looking back to some of the adventure shorts of silent cinema or the femme fatales of post-war film noir it could be argued that there were early incarnations of the action heroine that we recognise today. However, despite her presence as a figure across all genres and time periods, it has only been in the last few decades that we have really seen women taking centre stage in their own stories and action set pieces. Female led action films have rarely avoided criticism, such is the weight of expectation when women feature prominently in a genre in which they have more often than not been excluded or marginalised.