
AMNESIA: A Compellingly Quiet Take On A Party Island
AMNESIA: A Compellingly Quiet Take On A Party Island

Amnesia follows Jo and Martha, who have come to the island of Ibiza for different reasons, and form an unlikely but heartwarming friendship.

DARK BLUE GIRL: German Psycho-Thriller Disguised As Family Drama
DARK BLUE GIRL: German Psycho-Thriller Disguised As Family Drama

Dark Blue Girl is a cautionary tale for parenthood that reminds us that no one has control over who their child will become.

COLLIDE: Did They Even Try To Make It Good?
COLLIDE: Did They Even Try To Make It Good?

Collide is a film that has talent in front of the camera, but they’re wasted through strings of mindless action and laughably poor dialogue.

TONI ERDMANN: Snap Or Stretch
TONI ERDMANN: Snap Or Stretch

Despite its length, Toni Erdmann succeeds because of the character study at its core, and also contains one of the best scenes of the year.

TONI ERDMANN: 2016's Most Inexplicable Critical Success Story
TONI ERDMANN: 2016’s Most Inexplicable Critical Success Story

There is a story with immense emotional depth within Toni Erdmann, but the movie is so frequently dull, when the moments of comedy arrive they can feel somewhat cynical.

LOOK WHO'S BACK: A Misguided Political Satire
LOOK WHO’S BACK: A Misguided Political Satire

There currently is a radical change in our political landscape. The United States has drawn worldwide attention on the upcoming decision between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump for the position of President. The United States is not the only country, either, as Austria is facing a similar conundrum.

COLONIA: A Vanilla Depiction Of History
COLONIA: A Vanilla Depiction Of History

In 1973, Augusto Pinochet seized power in Chile and demoted the previous civilian rule to replace it with a military dictatorship. Colonia Dignidad, commanded by Paul Schäfer and other allies of Pinochet, served as a prison for political detainees under his regime, despite the bastille being concealed by the veneer of a farming commune. With a historical premise as intriguing as this, it’s unfortunate how much Colonia’s (also known as The Colony) filmic portrayal falters more than it succeeds.

The Shadow Of German Expressionism
The Shadow Of German Expressionism In Cinema

German expressionism was an art movement that began life around 1910 emerging in architecture, theatre and art. Expressionism art typically presented the world from a subjected view and thus attempted to show a distorted view of this world to evoke a mood or idea. The emotional meaning of the object is what mattered to the artist and not the physical reality.

Fritz Lang’s M And The Use Of Sound

German silent cinema of the 1920’s produced some of the most influential directors in the art of film making. Most directors and screenwriters working during this period were highly influenced by the German Expressionism art movement. Directors displayed Expressionism art in their films by presenting a distorted reality, which showed the inner turmoil of the characters.

Werner Herzog & Klaus Kinski
Werner Herzog & Klaus Kinski: Best of Enemies

There have been an abundance of actor, actress and director collaborations throughout the history of cinema. One of the first collaborations in Hollywood was that of director D.W Griffth and actress Lilian Gish, who worked together on over thirty films throughout the 1910s and 1920s.

Leni Riefenstahl: The Best Director You’ve Never Heard Of

Some of you may have come across Helene “Leni” Riefenstahl, so I hope you’ll forgive the introduction for those who haven’t. Born in 1902 in Berlin, Germany, Riefenstahl defied gender norms and became one of the most successful documentary filmmakers of the 1930s. At a time when most industries, especially film, were dominated by men, Riefenstahl found herself not only directing films but developing new techniques which influenced cinema up to this very day.

10 Essential Foreign Films

It may be fair to say that in the film industry, any motion picture that is not spoken in the English language is tagged under ‘foreign’. As we all know, Hollywood cinema is dominant among the world of film due to technological advancements, box office strategies for blockbusters, and stardom. For this reason, audiences are usually very selective when it comes to watching ‘foreign’ films.

10 Great Horror Films from Around the World

Every time you look for new horror movies the same ten titles show up. The Shining, Jaws, The Exorcist, The Haunting, Psycho, Nightmare on Elm Street, Alien, Halloween, The Ring, and Night of the Living Dead. Not to say that these aren’t great films, they’re on the best lists for a reason; they’re classics!

The Beginner’s Guide to Foreign Film: 15 Must-Sees

There are a million great films outside the U.S, it’s just you haven’t seen them. Good fortune smiles on you today because I’m here to show 15 foreign flicks you should have seen a long time ago.