Game of Thrones
Why Veep’s ending was hailed as a triumph, Game of Thrones’ ending was derided can be attributed to how deserving the characters were of the endings they received.
2019 saw the end of both Game of Thrones and The Avengers as we knew them. Luke Walpole takes a closer look at the respective finales.
Can epic fantasy work without the bond between a hero and their creatures at the forefront of the narrative?
Game of Thrones wouldn’t be Game of Thrones without Ramin Djawadi, who has been producing consistently excellent scores for the past nine years.
This is the end. The ashes have settled. It may be a somber one, but Game of Thrones’ characters’ fates have finally come to pass. Was it satisfactory?
Game of Thrones “The Bells” was a bleak 80 minutes of endless, caustic mayhem at the hands of one of the show’s most beloved and treasured characters.
Game of Thrones’ bad writing of Sansa and Brienne and the racially fraught implications of the episode’s ending, make this episode a huge letdown.
Game of Thrones spent so much time drumming up the battle with the Dead, that everything that comes after will be second fiddle in intensity and importance.
After almost two years, Game of Thrones is finally back for its final season. The 1st episode was marked by family reunions and reveals that change everything.
With only six episodes left before the series finale, Game of Thrones fans better be prepared for a harrowing ride.