Gabriel Bateman

PLAYMOBIL THE MOVIE: The Dollar Store Lego Movie
PLAYMOBIL THE MOVIE: The Dollar Store Lego Movie

Sadly, Playmobil The Movie merely serves as a reminder of how studios forcing a film around a product didn’t always make for the greatest of entertainment.

ROBERT THE BRUCE: Braveheart Without Heart
ROBERT THE BRUCE: Braveheart Without The Heart

Lacking of personality and originality, Robert the Bruce is an unwatchable kitchen-sink clutter of fantasy, reality and propaganda.


In Child’s Play, a mother gives her son a toy doll for his birthday, unaware of its more sinister nature.

LIGHTS OUT: Interesting Concept, Poor Execution
LIGHTS OUT: Interesting Concept, Poor Execution

Lights Out initially seemed to be promising. Though reminiscent of other horrors I have seen, the idea of a creature that only lives in the dark is still an interesting and potentially frightening subject; that is, if it’s composed with the right balance in both story and direction. Unfortunately, like many dime-a-dozen horror films, Lights Out suffers from an all-in approach, choosing to simply attempt to scare the viewer by any means necessary rather than working on making it genuine.