AHS 1984 (S9E3) "Slashdance": Backstories, Reveals and Deception Further Engrain One of AHS's Best Seasons
AHS 1984 (S9E3) “Slashdance”: Backstories, Reveals & Deception Further Engrain One Of AHS’s Best Seasons

With a return to its roots, AHS 1984 is stronger than it has been in a long time, delivering the horror and the entertainment of genre films of the past.

AHS 1984 (S9 E2) "Mr. Jingles”: An Episode That Raises Both Hell and Questions
AHS 1984 (S9E2) “Mr. Jingles”: Raises Both Hell & Questions

While episode 2 of AHS 1984 provided new insights, more than enough questions arose as murder, secrets and terror lurked in the shadows.

AHS 1984's Love Letter To Horror: Did You Catch Them All?
AHS 1984’s Love Letter To Horror: Did You Catch Them All?

In a lover letter to the horror genre, AHS 1984 packed a nostalgic punch – leaving the door wide open for more homage to come.

AHS 1984 (S9E1) “Camp Redwood”: A Season Premiere you Do Not Want To Miss
AHS 1984 (S9E1) “Camp Redwood”: A Season Premiere You Do Not Want To Miss

A beautifully orchestrated collaboration of horror films, AHS 1984 is gruesome, graphic and for those who love gore, oh so satisfying.

American Horror Story's Madison Montgomery: It Girl, Witch Girl, Holy Girl
AMERICAN HORROR STORY’s Madison Montgomery: It Girl, Witch Girl, Holy Girl

Madison Montgomery is the most fascinating character in the AHS world, and in Apocalypse, our perception of her changes once more.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E10) "Apocalypse Then": A High, Octane Finale That Will Satisfy
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E10) “Apocalypse Then”: A High, Octane Finale That Will Satisfy

Heightened by a rapid editing style and an insane body count, “Apocalypse Then” is the intense, high octane finale we have been waiting for.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E9) "Fire and Reign": Destiny Is Not As Easy As It Seems
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E9) “Fire and Reign”: Destiny Is Not As Easy As It Seems

With an ending in sight that seems almost too predictable, one thing is for certain, a showdown between Michael Langdon and the Coven seems inevitable.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E8): A Filler Episode that Lacks Creativity and Interest
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E8) “Sojourn”: A Filler Episode Lacking Creativity & Interest

There is a tiredness within American Horror Story: Apocalypse’s “Sojourn”, and its inability to reinvent the Satanic image.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE: (S8E7) "Traitor": Old Characters Return and Retribution Avails
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE: (S8E7) “Traitor”: Old Characters Return & Retribution Avails

American Horror Story’s “Traitor” was packed with old characters returning, answers and satisfying moments – yet there are still many questions that remain.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E6) "Return to Murder House": A Dose of AHS Styled Nostalgia
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E6) “Return to Murder House”: A Dose Of AHS Styled Nostalgia

Episode 6 was the episode we have all been waiting for – the “Return to…

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E5) “Boy Wonder”: The Apocalypse Is Taking Shape

Carefully crafting within the episode through deconstructed time, “Boy Wonder” is the episode American Horror Story: Coven fans have been waiting for, setting up the perfect return for Murder House.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY:APOCALYPSE (S8E4) "Could It Be...Satan?": A Necessary Filler
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E4) “Could It Be…Satan?”: A Necessary Filler

While last week’s episode was powerful, “Could It Be…Satan?” came in this week with a whisper, merely setting up for episodes to come.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E3) "The Forbidden Fruit": The Coven Arrives with a Few Twists
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE (S8E3) “The Forbidden Fruit”: The Coven Arrives With A Few Twists

The third episode of American Horror Story: Apocalypse is a biblical and a grim fairy tale, delivering shock and unpredictability, as the Coven arrives.

AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE "The Morning After" (S8E2): Suspicion and Shame Loom as Old Characters Return
AMERICAN HORROR STORY: APOCALYPSE “The Morning After” (S8E2): Suspicion & Shame Loom As Old Characters Return

What began as a slow burning episode quickly descends into suspicion, shame and further confusion…


The American Horror Story: Apocalypse’s season premiere delivered with a punch, launching a new chapter in the popular anthology and giving viewers their first taste of the upcoming crossover.